This page defines 140 color words which some of the newest
browsers support as an alternative to the #rrggbb hexadecimal notation.
This isn't acutally our page. We stole it
from somewhere, made some modificationa, and now can't find out where it came
from to link to it. We use it alot, so we thought that we
would include it. If you know where it came from, Let us know,
and we'll link to that one instead. The nice thing about it
is that it scales to the browser window, so you can resize
the browser down pretty small, and still cut and paste.
color name & color sample: | equivalent hex code & sample: |
Gainsboro | #DCDCDC |
LightGrey | #D3D3D3 |
Silver | #C0C0C0 |
DarkGray | #A9A9A9 |
Gray | #808080 |
DimGray | #696969 |
DarkSlateGray | #2F4F4F |
Black | #000000 |
Brown | #A52A2A |
SaddleBrown | #8B4513 |
Sienna | #A0522D |
Chocolate | #D2691E |
DarkGoldenrod | #B8860B |
Peru | #CD853F |
RosyBrown | #BC8F8F |
Goldenrod | #DAA520 |
SandyBrown | #F4A460 |
Burlywood | #DEB887 |
Tan | #D2B48C |
NavajoWhite | #FFDEAD |
Moccasin | #FFE4B5 |
Wheat | #F5DEB3 |
Bisque | #FFE4C4 |
BlanchedAlmond | #FFEBCD |
AntiqueWhite | #FAEBD7 |
Cornsilk | #FFF8DC |
Beige | #F5F5DC |
Seashell | #FFF5EE |
LavenderBlush | #FFF0F5 |
FloralWhite | #FFFAF0 |
Ivory | #FFFFF0 |
Honeydew | #F0FFF0 |
GhostWhite | #F8F8FF |
Snow | #FFFAFA |
White | #FFFFFF |
WhiteSmoke | #F5F5F5 |
MintCream | #F5FFFA |
Azure | #F0FFFF |
AliceBlue (§) | #F0F8FF |
LightCyan | #E0FFFF |
LightBlue | #ADD8E6 |
PowderBlue | #B0E0E6 |
Cyan | #00FFFF |
Aqua | #00FFFF |
SkyBlue | #87CEEB |
LightSkyBlue | #87CEFA |
DeepSkyBlue | #00BFFF |
DodgerBlue | #1E90FF |
RoyalBlue | #4169E1 |
Blue | #0000FF |
MediumBlue | #0000CD |
DarkSlateBlue | #483D8B |
MidnightBlue | #191970 |
Navy | #000080 |
DarkBlue | #00008B |
SteelBlue | #4682B4 |
SlateGray | #708090 |
LightSlateGray | #778899 |
DarkCyan | #008B8B |
Teal | #008080 |
CadetBlue | #5F9EA0 |
LightSeaGreen | #20B2AA |
DarkTurquoise | #00CED1 |
MediumAquamarine | #66CDAA |
MediumTurquoise | #48D1CC |
Turquoise | #40E0D0 |
Aquamarine | #7FFFD4 |
Lavender | #E6E6FA |
PaleTurquoise | #AFEEEE |
LightSteelBlue | #B0C4DE |
CornflowerBlue | #6495ED |
MediumSlateBlue | #7B68EE |
SlateBlue | #6A5ACD |
BlueViolet | #8A2BE2 |
MediumPurple | #9370DB |
DarkOrchid | #9932CC |
DarkViolet | #9400D3 |
Indigo | #4B0082 |
DarkMagenta | #8B008B |
Purple | #800080 |
MediumVioletRed | #C71585 |
PaleVioletRed | #DB7093 |
MediumOrchid | #BA55D3 |
Violet | #EE82EE |
Orchid | #DA70D6 |
Plum | #DDA0DD |
Thistle | #D8BFD8 |
HotPink | #FF69B4 |
Fuchsia | #FF00FF |
Magenta | #FF00FF |
DeepPink | #FF1493 |
Red | #FF0000 |
Crimson | #DC143C |
FireBrick | #B22222 |
Maroon | #800000 |
DarkRed | #8B0000 |
IndianRed | #CD5C5C |
OrangeRed | #FF4500 |
Tomato | #FF6347 |
LightCoral | #F08080 |
Salmon | #FA8072 |
DarkSalmon | #E9967A |
Coral | #FF7F50 |
LightSalmon | #FFA07A |
DarkOrange | #FF8C00 |
Orange | #FFA500 |
LightPink | #FFB6C1 |
Pink | #FFC0CB |
PeachPuff | #FFDAB9 |
MistyRose | #FFE4E1 |
PapayaWhip | #FFEFD5 |
Linen | #FAF0E6 |
OldLace | #FDF5E6 |
LightYellow | #FFFFE0 |
LightGoldenrodYellow | #FAFAD2 |
LemonChiffon | #FFFACD |
PaleGoldenrod | #EEE8AA |
Khaki | #F0E68C |
Yellow | #FFFF00 |
Gold | #FFD700 |
DarkKhaki | #BDB76B |
YellowGreen | #9ACD32 |
GreenYellow | #ADFF2F |
LawnGreen | #7CFC00 |
Chartreuse | #7FFF00 |
Lime | #00FF00 |
LimeGreen | #32CD32 |
ForestGreen | #228B22 |
Green | #008000 |
DarkGreen | #006400 |
DarkOliveGreen | #556B2F |
Olive | #808000 |
OliveDrab | #6B8E23 |
SeaGreen | #2E8B57 |
MediumSeaGreen | #3CB371 |
DarkSeaGreen | #8FBC8F |
LightGreen | #90EE90 |
PaleGreen | #98FB98 |
SpringGreen | #00FF7F |
MediumSpringGreen | #00FA9A |